22 August, 2011

Chapter 10 : Decision Support Systems (MCQ)

Chapter 10
  1. Which of the following level of managers develop short- and medium-range plans, schedules, and budgets and specify the policies, procedures, and business objectives for their sub-units of the company?
A)  Strategic                        B) Tactical           C) Operational                   D) Front line
  1. Information that is outdated, inaccurate, or hard to understand would be very meaningful, useful, or valuable to you or other business professionals.                       A)  True                                B)  False

  1. Information has three dimensions. There are
A) Time, consent, and form                         A) Time, content, and form
A) Cost, content, and form                          A) Time, content, and Value
  1. According to your text book, the emerging class of applications focuses on personalized decision support, modeling, information retrieval, data warehousing, what-if scenarios, and reporting  is called:
A)  Decision Support Trends                       B) Decision Support History
C)  Decision Support models                       D) Decision Support class
  1. The growth of corporate intranets, extranets, as well as the web, has accelerated the development and use of “executive class” information delivery and decision support software tools by lower levels of management and by individuals and teams of business professionals. This dramatic expansion has opened the door to the use of which of the following tool?
A) Business intelligence (BI)                      B) Business Knowledge (BK)
C)  Business Ideas (BI)                                    C) Busyness Intelligent (BI)
  1. According to your textbook, the Decision support systems use all of the following EXCEPT:
A)  Analytical models,                     B) Specialized databases               C) Online Transaction processing
D)  A decision maker’s own insights and judgments, and                              
E) An interactive, computer-based modeling process to support the making of semi-structured Business decision.
  1. ___________________________ were the original type of information system developed to support managerial decision making. An MIS produces information.
A)  Management information systems                  B) Decision Support systems
C)  Management Tracking Systems                          D) Strategic Information System
  1. Which of the following involves analyzing complex relationships among thousands or even millions of data items stored in data marts, data warehouses, and other multidimensional databases to discover patterns, trends, and exception conditions?
A)  OLTP               B) OLAP                           C) OISE      D) OLALA
  1. _________________ represent complex data using interactive three- dimensional graphical forms such as charts, graphs, and maps.
                  A)  Data Entry Systems                                                                B) Data Analysis systems
                  C)  Database Management                                                      D) Data visualization systems     

  1. Another name of goal seeking analysis is:
A) How to            B) How can         C) Why not         D) What’s up
  1. Decision support system involves all of the following types of analytical modeling activities except?
A) what-if analysis   B) Sensitivity analysis    C) Goal-seeking analysis        
D)  Heuristics                     E) optimization analysis
  1. In which of the following types of analysis, the value of only one variable is changed repeatedly, and the resulting changes on other variables are observed.
A) what-if analysis   B) Sensitivity analysis    C) Goal-seeking analysis       D) None of the above
  1. In which of the following types of analysis, the goal is to find the optimum value for one or more target variables, given certain constraints?
A) what-if analysis                 B) Optimization          C) Goal-seeking analysis                                  D) None of the above
  1. _____________________ is one of the most common and useful types of data mining for marketing.  The purpose of market basket analysis is to determine what products customers purchase together with other products.
A)  Market Box Analysis (MBA)                 B)   Market of Business Administration (MBA)
C)  Market Bazar Analysis (MBA )              C) Marketing Information System
  1. The first goal of executive information systems is to provide top executives with immediate and easy access to information about a firm’s _______________, that is, key factors that are critical to accomplishing an organization’s strategic objectives.
A)   Critical Success Factors (CSFs)                            B) Critical Accomplishing Factors (CAFs)
C)   Critical executive system (CECs)                         D) None of the above
  1. “A user checks his email, looks up the current company stock price, checks his available vacation days, and receives an order from a customer—all from the browser on his desktop. That is the next—generation intranet, also known as:
A)  Corporate or enterprise information system                               B)   corporate or enterprise information portal
C)  Corporate or enterprise homepage                  C) None of the above
  1. In many organizations, hypermedia databases at corporate intranet websites have become the knowledge bases for storage and dissemination of business knowledge.   A)  True    B)  False

  1. _____________ is a field of science and technology based on disciplines such as computer science, biology, psychology, linguistics, mathematics, and engineering.
A)  Natural intelligence                                                 B) Artificial intelligence  
C)  Articulate Intelligence                                             D) None of the above
  1. __________________ involves using multi-sensory human- computer interfaces that enable human users to experience computer-simulated objects, spaces, activities, and “worlds” as if they actually exist.
A)  Virtual office               B) Virtual reality              C) Real reality                    D) Reality
  1. The components of an expert system include a _____________________________ that perform inferences on the knowledge in the knowledge base and communicate answers to a user’s questions.
A)  Database and software modules                                      B) knowledge base and software modules
C)  Communication base and software modules                D) knowledge base and interactive device

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